Sunday, March 6, 2011

Trying Again

I set this up years ago, but never used it. Now, I'm giving it a second try.

So, the question that I have is how do I use technology in my classroom, but keep my students safe? How do I keep going in a classroom that has changed even in the 13 years that I've been teaching without falling flat on my face and reach students who are more tech literate than me? I guess that's what this course is teaching us.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere ... again!

  2. Hi Milinda

    How to keep the students safe is a great question. I think this is one that as educators we are really going to have to stay one step ahead of what is happening out there. What would you do if the parents are not willing to let their students have access like this? One thing I was considering is having a class where students and parents can work together in internet safety. Getting parents to work with you and the students the journey into all of this new technology.

  3. Hi Milinda,
    I agree with Bethany. The parents, students and teachers should work together in order to ensure internet safety for the students. Don't worry about the tech savvy students. You can learn how to be tech savvy too!! Have faith!

  4. Thank you Bethany and Ellen. I think the question of privacy as we use this is a tough issue to handle. I know that in my district we have to have parents give us permission to post any information about students on our school and classroom website, so that is what I'm following. I am going to try blogging with one of my smallest Pre-AP classes first, because I think their parents will be more open to the idea and then expand from there. If a student's parent does not wish them to participate, then, unfortunately, I think that student will have to "respond" via paper and class discussion during regularly scheduled History class.
